I haven't looked into the issue much "biblically" speaking, but I think I finally put my finger on what it is about certain realms of Christian behavior that ales me, and I want to know what you guys think about it.
I understand caring for one-another in such a way as to exhort one-another for the better. That is, I understand why we tell each other when we're doing things that are sinful/"dishonoring to God."
Here's what gets me... Why or how does someone have the authority to say that something other people do is "dishonoring to God." Doesn't that put God in a box? Doesn't that challenge God's authority, his right to think and do whatever he wants? If I said that stealing candy from the liquor store dishonors God, though I believe it does, is that right? Do I have the authority to speak on God's behalf in such a way? Do I have the authority to tell people what GOD is feeling?
I feel like constantly talking about what dishonors God or even about what honors him is just a way to strip God of his opinion, making ourselves gods instead. For me to claim that something is dishonoring God is just idolatry, unless God has explicitly told me that he's dishonored by it & that I should let people know.