Thursday, November 29, 2007

A Campaign for Brokenness

I have been presented with a vision that I consider wholly separate from myself. 

The vision is to embrace and Love all people, not just those we agree or identify with. Here is what the Campaign is formed upon, four basic principles:

1) People are members of a community. A non-discriminatory community we call "humanity."

2) All members of this community, humanity, are broken.

3) All members of this community can repair pieces of this brokenness. We all have a different purpose and place in this restoration. 

4) This final principle may be harder to accept than the others, but it is essential: Christ is the key component and plays the key role in this restoration. He has redeemed all, should we choose to receive the redemption he has brought. He unites all people better than this Campaign will if it is without Christ. Without this component, we have nothing. God plays the leading role in this Campaign.

So here are the steps SO FAR:

Fall 2007: Josh (me) learns to Love before he REALLY embarks upon the Campaign. 

Winter 2007/08: Azusa Pacific University is brought together, hopefully, on the purpose of mutual, active, Love. This is an immense project, hopefully it goes well. Put together a leadership team.

Spring 2008: Loved & Loving

Summer 2008: Website & planning.

Fall 2008: Peer mentorship programs? Inclusive Romance?

Prayer and support would be helpful. Thanks.

Campaign for Brokenness: LOVED & LOVING


I believe in God. 

I believe in Jesus Christ, the son of God, the LORD of creation and redemption, the Savior of the World. God and Jesus are of the same substance, and function as one with their spirit, THREE IN ONE: Father. Son. Spirit.

I affirm all of these Christian beliefs;

I believe that many people disagree with me. 

But there’s one thing I haven’t mentioned directly:


I believe in Love. 

I believe that it is the central message of the Gospel.

Even salvation itself is the subject and result of Love.

Even life itself is a gift and a picture of Love.

Love is the root of endearment, belief, hope, and endurance;

I believe that many people agree with me. 

About a month ago, I set out to begin something. I called it “Campaign for Brokenness.” It came through a series of specific experiences that I will share if anyone cares to know, but the point is that I see a need. All people are broken, all people need Love, and NOT all people give and accept Love as much as we could. Before I did anything else, I pointed myself in a specific direction: LEARN TO LOVE. I still have a long way to go and a lot to learn in regards to showing Love, but its at this point that I feel a need to invite others to join me in this quest. Or maybe you’re on the quest already, in which case I say: “BUDDY SYSTEM!!!”

So the next step in this “Campaign” is embracing people at large, and bringing people to embrace people at large. I mean LOVING PEOPLE.

I have found that the most difficult part of Loving, both on this campus on elsewhere, is that people seem closed off to it. Our society is individualistic, and we are individuals. Instead of choosing to be together, we walk with our heads down, unwilling to accept or extend a simple “Hello” or “How are you?”

Though this is my perception, I hope it isn’t a concrete reality. I think we close ourselves off from Love, but I still think we want Love and I still think we want to show Love. We put down our heads because we feel the same sort of closed off attitude resonating from those around us. It’s hard.

So I began to think, “If people wore SIGNS that said “I’m open to be Loved” then I would feel comfortable extending a hello or a how are you. I would feel comfortable talking to strangers as if, somehow, we were bound together by some greater innate force.”

So, that’s exactly what I propose. The second step of the campaign is to grow, as a community, in order to show and accept Love. So let’s wear signs. I ordered a few  thousand silicone wrist bands (like the yellow Live Strong bands)that bear the words: 


This means that YOU are LOVED by everyone who wears this band. In the same sense, it means you are responsible for LOVING ALL who wear the band. This band is a welcome sign. It welcomes and warrants a “Hello” and a “How are you?” It welcomes and warrants a genuine response to these questions. It welcomes and warrants Love, however small or “insignificant.” All Love is significant. It reminds you to show Love, and it reminds others to show you Love. Further, I hope that it inspires you to Love outside the campus as well, though Loving within it is my primary concern right now (if we cannot Love each other, how can we Love the world? Start small (APU), but progress (The World)). 

My hope is to spread the message of Jesus Christ. I believe that in showing Love, we fulfill a part of Christianity that has in many cases been forgotten. I believe Christ is Love; I believe God is Love; I believe Love will further God’s Kingdom, as I believe Love brought God’s Kingdom, of which we ALL can be citizens. You may think Love comes from people, or from the earth, or from a God that is no longer living.  Yeah, You may not agree with me- and you don't have to- but again, I hope that this universal purpose of Love can unite both Christians and Non-Christians under a very specific and in-discriminatory purpose.  The fact remains: Love exists. Love is powerful. The world needs more of it, and we can Love. So I propose agreement on one thing, and on one thing only: LOVE. 

The goal isn’t to create a new fad, it’s to bring about a lifestyle.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Preachers and Money

Last night I was watching TBN. For those that haven't heard of it (apparently a bigger part of the population than I would have guessed) TBN stands for "Trinity Broadcasting Network," it's that channel with the televangelists who encourage your debt to support their "ministry." This year they're asking all of their viewers to give them two-thousand and seven dollars, since they've proclaimed this year as "The Year of Jubilee."

I guess there's a small group of bible and theology students who watch it regularly, apparently to fuel frustrations with this section of the church? Despite those frustrations, I think it is helpful to watch TBN because, since God allows evil, it only seems productive to appreciate the good that God can bring even through such a disastrously unethical program. And I'll explain why I think that. 

I think TBN was started with an original and purposeful idea. Seems like they want to bring Jesus and the Gospel to the world. They bring the Gospel, as one of my friends noted in regards to Africa (he traveled as a missionary of Christ to Uganda over the summer), TBN is the only way to salvation for, dare I say, millions of people in the world- it's "all they have." And, because people have faith in their ministry, TBN does change lives, and does bring salvation. Are people saved despite the deception they have fallen to? 

I think, at least for the most part, that thankfully people saved by means of television or by means of relational "real" Christianity share in the same salvation. Despite this, I'd like to quickly go over two very specific problems with this ministry. 

TBN overemphasizes the dependence of God on two things: preachers and money. In fact, they downright lie about God's need for these things.

Let's make my point even clearer: God does not need money, nor does he need preachers. God can work alone, instead he allows us to be worked through. It's only by the grace of God that we have life, and that our life is given a purpose. As for money, it is the root of all evil. If God was truly present in their program they would have no dependence on money or on the proven lavish lifestyles of their preachers. If Jesus was alive today, would most televangelists would either be considered Pharisees or else damned to Hell.

It's important to note a few statements of Scripture. I have already cited I Timothy 6:10 (and consequentially Exod. 23:8 and Deut. 16:19), and isn't it interesting how Paul's discussion in the passage, where he mentions that loving money is evil, he is talking about false teaching... Allusion? Aside from scripture that relates to the evil of money, I think it's fair to talk about two passages that come to mind about the goodness of GIVING money. This is the story of the widow's offering that begins Luke 21. Though God does not need money, He appreciates the widow's mite- her devotion, her purity, and the wholeness of her giving. Jesus says that she put more in the offering than anyone else. Further, in Luke 7:36-50, a sinful woman comes to Jesus, and shows him love in a genuine way. Jesus says the woman's sins are forgiven, because she "loved much." In the same way, he says those who "love little" are "forgiven little." God is just, God understand the devotion of those who adhere to TBN- by giving money or devotion- to, they believe, God. In  the same way, we have preachers of an organization that abuse money, who love God and the people they "serve" in a small way. I'm sure God will, if we are right about the preachers' characters, give for righteousness with righteousness, and abuse for abuse.

Yesterday when I watched it, the "preacher" (in quotes not because I question whether or not he was a preacher, but that I question the righteousness of what he preached. I think you could say that even Lucifer preaches as he tempts). talked for over an hour about how God provided money for him when he needed it. He also talked about his moments of faith, his actions, and how he was God's servant who was deserving of our money (not God, that HE was deserving of God's money). He was boasting. All such boasting is evil. And all such televangelists boast, they all beg for money. As I alluded to earlier, this particular "preacher" said that people needed to give 2007 dollars to TBN because it was God's will, and that they should even go into debt to give this money. His justification: God would bring them out of debt. Is this biblically backed? In the story in Luke 21, does Jesus say that those who borrow money to give to God, so that they are in debt, are righteous? No. He says the woman has given the most because she gave all she had, not because she gave a specific amount. The WHOLE point of that story, in fact, is that she DIDN'T have more than what she gave. So, how then, is it right to give more than you have to support a ministry that claims to need money to survive. Only things apart from God are dependent on money to exist. In fact, God discourages debt, and encourages responsible finances. Faith can bring you through anything, even out of death, even out of blindness, even out of debt. That doesn't mean He has to, and that doesn't mean He will. It also doesn't mean you should die, become blind, or go into debt to test this righteousness. Jesus says "You shall not put the LORD your God to the test" (Jesus is recorded saying this in Matthew 4:7 and in Luke 4:12. He is quoting the Hebrew scriptures, probably Deuteronomy 6:16 and/or later in Isaiah 7:12)

Aside from the issues I have addressed, TBN is full of discrepancies other than these. For example they say, on their website, publicly, officially, that "Through TBN, viewers can attend services at America's most dynamic churches!" What does that mean? Most dynamic churches? If the church is the church, is one more dynamic or not? Is one just more conforming? Does it mean these churches have more money? I wouldn't put it past TBN.

So what is our response to the Trinity Broadcasting Network?

Do we argue, as Paul tells us not to?

Is it worth action against TBN directly?

Does that mean we support TBN?

It's easy to attack, it's easy to mock, it's easy to judge and to condemn. It's not easy to give grace, after all that is what makes God so magnificent in regards to salvation through Christ. So, I suggest we give grace, and instead of attacking TBN, learn to appreciate how God works as a result of the program, despite it's discrepancies, and let God condemn televangelists to hell if that is their fate.

In ministry and as Christians, when we encounter debate, we have a choice to make: Action or Patience. 

I do not believe that TBN prevents salvation, in fact I believe that they do spread salvation to the world. I do not believe that they are responsible, biblical, or just in regards to their finances. But, despite man's sinfulness and inadequacies, God works. One broad example is that TBN exists in places where communities that have no churches or knowledge of Christ. Many of these people, despite the alleged and aforementioned problems with the organization and its leadership, come to know Christ in a real way. They are saved, they have come to join the Kingdom of God? Why? Because of TBN? Directly, on the surface, perhaps. But how could what is obviously and organization with a deep-seated and evil lifestyle bring that which is not evil to people? It cannot. God can. TBN is under Satan's grasp, in fact I dare say Satan's grasp is perhaps focused on TBN and like ministries. Why? Because they are powerful, they are effective, they bring salvation to people. And so, despite Satan's grasp or control over TBN, God works through the ministry, not because of their money or as a result of their money, but because He can, and TBN has fulfilled a calling to bring Jesus to certain nations and God has an "excuse" to prove Himself to the people of those nations.

Another example, and perhaps more concretely showing God's hand despite man, is the story of a blind woman that the "preacher" I watched last night shared. He said a blind woman came to him asking him to spit in her eyes so that she could see, like Jesus spat in the eyes of the blind to bring healing. Amidst "funny" misogynistic comments he basically said he didn't believe God told her that he would do it and that he wasn't willing to do it. She kept begging, so, even though he was without faith, he did it. She was healed. By her faith, she was healed. By God's hand she was healed. God worked. Now, the "preacher" went on to talk about what HE himself had done, though he honestly did nothing and had no faith, but despite his deception, God still made the woman see. This is all, of course, assuming that a man proven to be a deceived liar was telling the truth when he told this story.

So, we can choose. Act against TBN, or be patient with it. 

It's easy to act, to condemn, etc (like I've said). If we are patient, we can watch TBN continue to result in the salvation of many, and choose to be patient in regards to the fate of the its leadership and ideals. If we act, we risk ending TBN, and thus ending the salvation of many that will be saved as a result of God's hand through the airwaves.

I suggest patience, because as my friend said about Ugandans, "it's all they have." In the meantime, while we're being patient, I suggest action. Not against TBN, but against the ideals they spread aside from salvation. We tell people that money is not needed by God, we tell Ugandans that they don't need gold around their neck to be followers of Christ, we tell member's of Benny Hinns "church"  that no MAN has the power to heal by his own mite (though he doesn't proclaim it he seems to make like implications) or is righteous in boasting about healing people. And most of all we spread a message Jesus himself proclaimed as part of his sermon on the mount: No man can serve God and earthly wealth. We tell them that TBN does not need their money, and that they are better off without it. If it is God's ministry it will continue without money. But the right option isn't to cut off the organization, but to cut off its blind followers and givers. 

God does not need preachers or money. 

He does the work, we are tools he can use, and so is TBN.

God is Just, God is Understanding, God is Loving. Let's not forget to be also.

Monday, November 5, 2007

What Does Love Look Like?

My eyes are glazed and my ears are shut lately, that's because I can't seem to think about anything except "Theology."

Today I went to my car to go to Pasadena. I was going to sit in my car and read for an hour before I left. 

When I sat down, I looked across from me and this beautiful, happy girl got into her car. She didn't know I saw her, I guess... She started bawling. Broken. Hidden. Who knows? Anyone? Who shows her the Love she needs?

Then it made me think more about what's been on my mind, that Christianity is all about Jesus. Could that be the wrong focus if we still fail to see what Jesus was, why he was, how he was, who he was, what he did?

"Theologians" spend their lives debating things, like grace and righteousness, which are important, but not as important as we make them. Why is it important? 

God IS LOVE, and ONLY LOVE, because everything else that He IS comes FROM LOVE. 

What it all comes down to, then, is ONLY twofold: loving Christ, because He loves us, and showing other people Love- all other good things will come through acts of love. Not some people, not just Christians-Everyone. (For example, if there was a debate about whether people are saved by their "own will" or by God's will or by a combination of the two, I think scripture teaches us, Paul in particular, to not boast about anything. Even a decision to take up our cross. So aside from not boasting, it doesn't matter who's will saves us- we still need Jesus, we still need to spread his message of Love, and that's what it comes down to any way you look at it. As for an issue like (double or single, if there is any real difference) predestination? Does it matter? I don't think it matters to us. Either way, we don't know who is predestined for what, and therefore our purpose is the same: Evangelize through love.)

What does Love look like?

What theologian only writes about how to Love?

We are so far from Christianity should be, if we only argue about the meaning of mere words.

One thing I've been thinking about is to start what I am thinking about calling "Campaign for Brokenness" and God moved my hand to jot more ideas about it today... I'm sure He did.

How do I employ the vision when I'm so busy...?

How can I neglect school, my friends, my family, my coworkers, my church, or YOU to preach about Love, when any sort of neglect would seem like the opposite of love.

I just don't know what it all looks like...


Two people were sitting on the street in Pasadena today. Maybe they are 17, 18, or 19? They were a couple, apparently. Dirty. Their whole life apparently in the bag next to them. Their sickly kitten in their arms and a hat in from of them with a dollar, a quarter, two dimes, three pennies, and 5 nickels. The man had his ears gauged so big that an empty green prescription bottle fit inside the hole comfortably.

Genuine poverty? Drug addicts? Kicked out of the house? Does it matter? What does love look like in a situation like this?

What is my inherent responsibility, as a follower of Jesus, as I walk by?

Or take APU, thousands of Christian people, many of whom are relatively wealthy. Some grew up in broken homes, some didn't, some didn't realize how broken their home had been until recently... 

They, we, are on our own for the first time in our lives.

They, we, question our identity, we think about the future, we contemplate marriage and life beyond our degrees.

They, we, become overwhelmed.

And in the midst of it all, things break us. 

People die. 

People leave. 

People just don't care. Nothing seems to be fulfilling. 

So, like the girl I saw, they fix their makeup every 30 minutes, sing during worship, and smile all the way to their car. Only to expose every drop of moisture contained in them, through their eyes, the second they are "alone."

So how do they show love to those people in Pasadena?

When no one, aside from God, has shown them love and given them an example?

So that's where it has to start... 
With Christians first so that WE as a BODY can LOVE.

Instead of just preaching God to people who are broken... They might not be ready for God yet... They are ready Love, and through Love God will be revealed to them.

And to give them we have to have,

And to give God we have to FIRST give Love.

God is Just, God is Understanding, God is Loving. Let's not forget to be also.